
Tips for Finding a Safe Rental Property

While there are many perks connected to living in California, the ability to easily find rental properties isn’t one of them. While it’s possible that there are some areas in California where safe and affordable rental properties are available, those locations are very rare. Difficulty finding rental properties is an issue that plaques nearly all of California’s large cities.

No matter how desperate you are to find a rental property where you can live, you must remember that your safety is very important. You do not want to put yourself in a position where you are always worried that something is about to happen.

Here are a few tips that will help you find a safe rental property in California.

Check Out the Neighborhood Crime Stats

These days, it’s easy to learn not only what the crime rate in a particular neighborhood is, but to also find out what the most common types of crime are in the area. There are several sites that will provide a great deal of information about the crime rates in an area, allowing you to gain the information you need in just a few minutes.

Learn What Safety Precautions the Property Owner Has Taken

One of the first things you should do when you’re looking at a property is learning what type of safety precautions the owner has taken. Find out what types of locks are installed on the doors. Are there security cameras at the entrances? If the property is a multi-family dwelling are the other residents long term tenants, or are the other units used for short term rentals, such as Airbnb’s? Can the windows be locked? Are there bars over the windows? Are you allowed to make changes that would improve your sense of security.

Carefully Examine the Property for Potential Hazards and Safety Concerns

Most people only think about crime rates when considering the safety of a potential rental. While crime rate is important, it’s also important to really consider what type of hazards are found on the property. Are there maintenance or clutter issues that could lead to trip and fall accidents? Is there something noisy nearby that could cause you to lose precious sleep? Do the stairs have banisters? Is the home in decent enough repair that you don’t have to worry about thing falling apart? Are the appliances in good working order.

Don’t let the scarcity of rental properties in California distract you from considering the pros and cons of every rental property you look at. Considering the potential safety hazards only takes a few minutes and could spare you a great deal of stress and worry once you’re locked into a contract.