New Year’s DUI Checkpoints

Bail Bond Store - Santa Clarita

New Year’s DUI Checkpoints

Bail Bond Store - Santa Clarita

New Year’s is one of the top 3 times of the year where alcohol is consumed, and it is also one of the top times of the year that people will be out and about. Not surprisingly, the police will also be out and on duty, keeping a watchful eye for those who are driving while under the influence. They will be patrolling, but they will also have extra DUI checkpoints setup.

Never been through a DUI checkpoint? Here is what you can expect:

  • They will motion you to drive to the side of the road.
  • They may ask you questions like where you are headed, where you are coming from, if you have been drinking, and how much.
  • They may peek into the backseat of your car, but if they want to see what is in your trunk, you do not have to oblige.
  • You may have to perform sobriety tests.

If you are cleared to go, you are all good. If not, you will have to sober up, or call someone to get you. Hopefully, you will not be placed under arrest, but if you are, you can post bail with a bail bond from Bail Bond Store – Santa Clarita.

We can be reached 24/7 online and at 661-799-0600.