Bail Bonds in Santa Clarita

Summer is for lazy pool days, family vacations, and road trips! If you’re like the 80% of Americans who ventured out on a road trip in 2017 then you know that road trips can be a lot of fun. However, they can also be a...

If you’ve been living in California for any amount of time then it should come as no surprise that it was ranked as the third most expensive place to live in the United States, this according to a 2017 article published by CNBC. While California...

We all know that driving after drinking is something that can cost us our driver’s license and land us in jail. What many of us don’t realize is that California has something called aggravated DUI which is even more serious than your standard DUI charge.Any...

Summer is here, and that means families are looking for the best ways to keep cool during the hottest of days. One of the favorite pastimes is going swimming, whether it is in a pool, river, or lake. Swimming is a great way to beat...

The country is currently witnessing a change of tides. From changing political leaders to new laws, this country is ever growing. The latest new law that seems to have caught everyone’s attention is the legalization of marijuana. For those who are a bit out dated,...

In recent years, cities across the country have begun to add an additional tax on sodas and other sugary drinks in an effort to reduce their sales. The hope with these taxes is that it will discourage people from buying the drink, and therefore help...

If you put your ear to a seashell, you’ll hear the waves of the ocean. However, you take your ear away from the seashell you’ll probably hear music. California is home to several noteworthy music venues and festivals. Being able to drive an hour, max,...

California is a magical place that captures many people’s attention. Magical people, views, and sights seem to gather in the best places. California is a pretty cool state, there isn’t any debate over that. California has beaches, sand dunes, amusement parks, and giant redwood trees....

With so much tragedy in the world, it’s not surprising to know someone with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 8 out 100 people will experience PTSD at some point in their lives. Most people assume that in order...

Just a friendly reminder that we all live on the same planet. Earth is the only planet in our solar system with life on it. Not even just life, but with water, oxygen, plants, animals, and people. Without this Earth, we wouldn’t exhaust. It’s the...