Bail Bonds in Newhall

Whenever certain holidays roll around, you can bet that you will start to see more DUI checkpoints. This is due to the fact that more people drink alcohol around these holidays, and then proceed to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Police officers know...

Getting arrested is not a great experience. Everyone knows that. However, it is not something that adults can’t handle. As an adult, a person knows that it will be rough, but eventually they will get out of jail again. Kids don’t understand that. Several things...

What started out as a rumor, or a nice thought, has turned into a real deal. This November, Californians will have a few serious measures to vote on. Californians will not only be voting on a new governor, but on whether or not California should...

When you drive downtown in any city in Californian, there is at least one street that is home to the area’s homeless. These sections of towns are unclean, and people usually avoid them like the plague. Recently, you may have noticed an increase in the...

No one likes getting in trouble. We were all kids once, and experienced the feeling of disappointment from a parent. Then you try to move on, but you siblings or friends like to remind you of that one mistake you made 5 years ago. That...

There are plenty of games and shows that like to dabble in the excitement of being a criminal. They’re fun and thrilling to watch as the character steals a car and goes on a high-speed chase. Californians love to watch real-life high-speed chases on the...

We all know the struggle of trying to find the perfect parking spot. During the summer months, it seems near impossible to find a good spot. The best spot is usually reserved for drivers with handicaps, and even then there are few of the spots...

In California you can’t be found guilty of a violent crime provided you can prove that the only reason you used the violent action was in self-defense. In addition to proving that you were in danger, you’ll also have to prove that your actions were...

The great thing about owning your own home is that you’re far freer to do what you wish with it. However, it’s important to understand that even though you own the property, you aren’t necessarily allowed to do absolutely anything on or two it. Every...

Just because you owe a debt, it doesn’t mean you should sacrifice your home. To protect homeowners, California legislatures created a series of California homestead real estate laws that are specifically designed to ensure that non-consensual creditors can’t drive you from your home, or that...