18 Jun What Happens If a Minor Breaks a Law?
Getting arrested is not a great experience. Everyone knows that. However, it is not something that adults can’t handle. As an adult, a person knows that it will be rough, but eventually they will get out of jail again. Kids don’t understand that. Several things are so much worse as a kid than they are as an adult, and getting arrested is definitely one of those things.
When a minor gets into trouble with the law, they are often returned to the parents. The parents or other legal guardians are responsible for taking care of the minor and keeping him or her out of trouble. If the minor repeatedly commit the same crimes, then the parent will become responsible for paying for damages.
The minor may also have to go to juvenile court. If it is determined that a minor did commit the crime in question, they will face consequences. In juvenile court, the goal is not to punish minors who committed crimes, but to rehabilitate them. This way, they can go on to be productive members of society when they grow up.
Minors can end up on probation if they are caught committing lesser crimes, while more aggressive crimes can get a minor committed to the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). The DJJ is equivalent of jail for minors and it is not a great place to be, just like regular jail and prison.
If a minor is convicted of certain lesser crimes, they may be able to have those records sealed when they turn 18. This will allow him or her to continue into adulthood without worry. Getting arrested as an adult is terrifying, but as a child it is so much worse.