santa clarita bonds Tag

Bailing out of jail is not as fast as what you see on television shows, unfortunately. As they do with everything they air, television shows cut out a lot of the stuff that happens, leaving out many minor details, that are in real life, major...

When you are in trouble, you call your parents or 911 most of the time, except when you are in trouble with the police and already in jail. Then calling 911 will not work. Instead, you should call your parents and Bail Bond Store -...

By now, you have definitely heard of the mobile game, Pokémon Go. You may even be playing it, but do you know when you, or your loved ones, are too addicted to the game. When you have become so addicted that it is dangerous to...

As you are well aware, five Dallas, Texas cops were killed during what was, a peaceful protest regarding the shootings of two African American men in other states. They were killed by a man with an Army background, and thus had skills and tactics to...

Bailing your loved one out of jail is a most unwanted task where you feel as if no one is there to truly support you. You feel more people judging you and your loved one. Do not worry, you are not the only person in...