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You know all those times growing up you wished your parents would stop being so “parent-y” and just let you go out and do your own thing? You know they are like that for a reason. They are your parents. It is their instinct to...

When a person is arrested, they will have to face 1 of 3 scenarios, which are to the judge to choose.The judge can:Deny bail - The defendant has no choice but to remain in custody. The judge has determined that this person is...

The holidays are the happiest time of the year, and your family is counting on you to keep that light spirit in the air. They are counting on you to make the holiday gatherings, despite having been recently arrested. You are not alone in this...

As you are well aware, the presidential election is just days away. We urge all everyone to vote, including loved ones who recently completed parole after getting out of prison.It helps that your loved one’s voting rights are automatically restored upon completion of parole, so...

Simply put, there really is no way you can reduce your bail once the judge has declared it. You can ask that the judge to reconsider, but in all likelihood, that bail amount will remain the same.The judge had already taken these facts into...