09 Nov Support Starts With You
The best thing you can do for a loved one when they are in trouble is to help them, not abandon them. Even if you do not know exactly how you are going to help, offer your support and you will be able to figure it out one step at a time. We can tell you the first step is to help bail them out of jail. You may not agree with their actions, but jail time is not the best fit for them. They would not learn anything from you if they are in jail.
In jail, little is offered to inmates. There are very few corrective programs, classes, or counseling opportunities in jail, if any at all. Focused, individual, and/ or passionate guidance is almost nonexistent because well, it is jail. No one really wants to spend their time trying to educate inmates who are unlikely to make a big change for themselves. Advice and help is much more effective from a loving family member or friend at home. This should not be looked at as a time for punishment but instead, time spent together to develop values, relationships, and personal growth. This is personal care, and this is how you can start helping your loved one in need.