Stricter Hover board Laws for California

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Did anyone get a new hover board for Christmas? Well, if you did, or if you already have one, you better be 16 years or older if you plan on riding it!

    Please take note on just a few of these new California laws to abide by when it comes to controversial regulations:

  • Anyone who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs while riding a hover board will be given a DUI.
  • Helmets must be worn at all times while on the hover board.
  • Riders must stay on streets where the speed limit is 35 miles per hour or less. However, if there is a bike lane, riders may use it.
  • The boards must have lights and reflectors so that they can be seen at night time or in cloudy, foggy weather.
  • Riders cannot go faster than 15 miles per hour.

If you are caught disobeying one of the above laws, you may be punished with a $250 fine. It’s really doubtful that it will come to an arrest, but if something gets out of hand somewhere and someone is arrested for an incident, the judge will likely offer bail.

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