20% Discounts on Bail in Santa Clarita

At Santa Clarita Bail Bond, we are able to offer qualified clients a 20% discount on the price of the bail bond. What this means is, instead of paying 10% of the bail, you only pay 8%.

For fast and affordable bail bond service in California, call Santa Clarita Bail Bonds at 661-799-0600 or Chat With Us now.

Santa Clarita bail bond store

A Guide to Understand Bail Bonds

While most people have heard of bail bonds agencies, few actually understand what they are or how the bail bonds process works until a loved one is arrested and requires a bail bond.

The main function of a bail bonds agency is to provide the accused with the means to leave jail. The way bail works is that the accused gives the court a pre-determined amount of money that guarantees that the accused will attend all of their court dates. Once the accused has attended their court dates and the case is resolved, they’ll get their money back.

The problem many people encounter is that the process can take a really long time and they can’t afford to post bail and still pay their bills. This is where Santa Clarita Bail Bonds enters the picture. Instead of having to cover the entire bail amount, you pay us 10%. This 10% serves as our fee. Once you’ve paid the 10% or created a payment plan with us, we’ll go to the court/jail and post a bail bond that covers the entire amount of your required bail. As soon as the paperwork is complete, you’re free to go home.

As long as you follow all the terms of your bail, including attending your court dates, you’ll hardly hear from us. At the conclusion of your case, the court returns our bail bond and your connection to us ends.

In some cases, we will require that you find a co-signer or provide collateral for your bail bond. We won’t know for sure if this is needed until we’ve spoken to you, learned how large a bail bond you need, and checked out your history.

When you contact us about a California bail bond, you’ll find that we’re easy to work with and that we provide outstanding customer service. We’ve been providing people like you with bail bonds for the past few decades and understand exactly how stressful the situation is. We promise to do everything in our power to ease your worries and to simplify getting the bail bond you require.

When you turn to Santa Clarita Bail Bonds, you’ll enjoy:

  • 20% discounts for some applicants
  • Flexible payment plans
  • Simple contracts
  • 24/7 service
  • Phone consultations
  • Online consultations
  • Zero worry about hidden fees
  • Zero down bail bond
  • Zero-interest bail bond
  • Fast service
  • Discretion

Learn more about Santa Clarita Bail Bonds and the California bail program by calling 661-799-0600 or clicking the Chat With Us now link.

Santa Clarita bail bond store

No Money Down Bail Bonds in Santa Clarita

Did you know it is possible to get out of jail for no money down? Well, it is true. Some people are able to get a bail bond without having to pay for it up front. Under special circumstances, a person will be able to get a bail bond for 0% down.

When someone is trying to bail themselves out of jail, they will need to pay their bail. Unfortunately, bail usually costs several thousands of dollars. This means that most people do not have the money necessary to pay for the bail. That is why people tend to go to bail bond companies for help.

Even though bail bonds only cost 10% of the bail that they are based on, they can still be a little expensive for people. This is especially true for someone who is trying to get him or herself out of jail on their own. Think about it, when someone is in jail, they do not have access to their bank accounts. How can they afford to bail themselves out?

Well, if the person has a job and good credit, then they can get a bail bond for no money down from Santa Clarita Bail Bonds. This way, they can bail themselves out of jail without needing to ask anyone for help. Then they will able to make their first payment once they have gotten settled back into their normal life.

If you ever need to bail yourself out of jail, be sure to contact Santa Clarita Bail Bonds by calling 661-799-0600.