Bail Bonds in Santa Clarita

Your July 4th celebrations must be in the works already and this year, America’s birthday lands on a weekend, meaning the parties are going to last longer than ever! Whether you’re barbecuing, hanging at the pool, hitting the beach, picnicking, or engaging in some other...

If you think the parking sign restrictions in Santa Clarita are ridiculous, you should read up on these uber-ridiculous laws in the LA/ Southern Santa Clarita area that are out-dated and just plain absurd.A man may not dress as a woman in Walnut unless...

We don’t know exactly why these laws were ever laid out, and we don’t know why the government won’t officially remove them. But what we do know is that these are some of the dumbest, oldest laws in Santa Clarita that you could technically get...

Obviously, everyone wants to get out of jail as quickly as they can. Your release is partially dependent on you, so it is important to make your bail bond process go as smoothly and seamlessly as possible on your end. Doing these can make your...

Say you’re with a friend. Something happens and the cops are suddenly a part of the situation. Your friend is put in handcuffs. Seeing this angers you because you know your friend is innocent. But, what you don’t want to do is express your...

Federal authorities have warned local law enforcement officials across the country about a heightened concern involving possible terror attacks targeting the July 4th holiday, a U.S. law enforcement official said.While there was no specific or credible threat of attack, the official said the intelligence bulletin...

U.S. law enforcement officials are boosting security measures ahead of the Fourth of July holiday, authorities said Tuesday.More police are being deployed to prominent locations because of concerns of terrorist threats, including some from suspected ISIS supporters in the U.S. who may heed the group's...

The process of bailing someone out of jail is routine, but the attention and quality of the process shouldn’t be. Every person who must collaborate with a bail bond company should want excellent attention and personalized treatment so they feel like their agent truly...

As you know, a couple weeks ago, there was a shooting at a historic African-American church in South Carolina. A young Caucasian man killed nine African-American men and women. This was ruled a hate crime.Every state has their own laws against hate crimes and resulting...

The 2013 Vanderbilt rape case has attracted nationwide attention: four college football players were arrested and charged for the rape of a female student. Two men went to trial first but just recently, the judge declared a mistrial. The two men were allowed to post...