Bail Bonds in Santa Clarita

It doesn’t matter to us if we bailed you out of jail last year, we’ll be happy to do it again for you. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to call us if you need our help a second time! We won’t turn you away or...

If you’re someone who has been haunted by their past legal mistakes, this is probably the best news you’ve heard in a long time.A person may have their criminal record expunged, meaning essentially that it is as if that criminal record does not exist....

The road to the presidential election in 2016 has begun and we thought it would be insightful to let you know this (if you don’t already): California felons may not vote if they are still in prison or on parole. Convicted felons may only vote...

Never did you ever think you’d get a call from a loved one sitting in jail. But, that call did come in and now you’re tasked with having to figure out how to help bail them out of jail. So many emotions are running through...

It’s nearly 4 AM and you’re rudely awaked by a phone call. On the other line is your sister, calling from jail. She was pulled over just a little while earlier and she blew a .10 BAC. She was on her way home from a...

When you find out that the police have issued a warrant for your arrest, do not panic. First, you should know that you should not try and run from the police. They will find you and your consequences will just be worse. What you should...

Do I trust the arrested person enough to appear in court when he or she is asked, as well as oblige by any other court-mandated terms? Do I have enough collateral I would be willing and can afford to put up? Can I make do if the...

If you get a call from someone in jail, it probably means he or she is seeking your help to bail him or her out. They are desperate and remorseful for their actions, ready to face consequences, and will be so grateful for you to...

Sometimes it’s better to talk to someone who doesn’t know you instead of asking your friend for advice or for help. As much as friends want to help out, they may hold back a little because they don’t want to see you down or hurt...

There are hundreds of bail bond companies in California so it may seem like it can be pretty easy to get bail bond help wherever you are, right? Wrong. Not all bail bond companies are the same and not all will give you the attention...