santa clarita bail bondsman Tag

Answering phone calls, texting, checking traffic and finding alternate routes, replying to emails, there are plenty of distractions on mobile phones. Now, there is a new app that is taking over our lives: Pokémon Go. This falls under the games category, but this game is...

When your son or daughter is arrested, they are arguably the most worried person, not you. Even though you have got your maternal and paternal instincts, you need to put on a strong face for them, as you always have. They are going to look...

Bail bond co-signers play a vital role in the bail bond process. Some bail bonds can be dependent on having one or more co-signers. If the defendant fails to get the required number of co-signers for his or her bail bond, then they ultimately cannot...

Many people grow in a positive way after being arrested and put through the whole jail, bail, and trial process. They experience something that most people do not. It is unfortunate they have to experience it at all, but it is best if they can...

California may be known as the Golden State, with a majestic coastline, warm sunny days almost year-round, and beautiful actors and singers, but this state also has its fair share of weirdness. There have been attempts to regulate some of this by introducing some laws...

In the past few weeks, there have been a handful of fatal police-involved shootings that have captured the nation’s attention:The shooting of Alton Sterling, an African American man, by Caucasian policeThe shooting of Philandro Castile, an African American man, by Caucasian policeThe shootings of five...

By now, you have definitely heard of the mobile game, Pokémon Go. You may even be playing it, but do you know when you, or your loved ones, are too addicted to the game. When you have become so addicted that it is dangerous to...