bakersfield bail bonds Tag

Even though most people do it, it’s still illegal: jaywalking. There are a bunch of other such instances where it’s technically illegal to do something but people do it anyway and get away with it all the time. But this time, we’ll focus on jaywalking...

The below are a round-up of what we have concluded to be the 7 dumbest, silliest, most absurd laws in California (ranked in no particular order). We’re basing our criteria mostly on the fact that we’re dumbfounded as to why these are even laws because...

In your daily, weekly routine, do you ever pass some of the same people who are out on their own daily, weekly routines? They are just like you: The woman in your yoga class, the couple at the grocery store, the man at the coffee...

Being the cosigner of a bail bond is a huge responsibility. The truth is that no matter how much you care about the defendant, if you are not financially stable enough or do not trust the defendant enough to keep his or her word, you...

When you’re getting a bail bond, you should never feel like your privacy is being invaded. Yes, you will have to inform the bail agency of some personal information, but that will all be kept confidential. A bail company like Bakersfield Bail Bond Store Services...

If you are ever arrested, you want to make sure you are cooperative with the police. At the same time, you want to make sure they are not overstepping their boundaries to step on your rights. If you are arrested, know this first and foremost:Remain silent...

The push to regulate drone operators has moved forward, at least in Bakersfield. A measure was passed recently that gives the police more authority to charge drone operators with misconduct and disruption.Drone operators may not fly their drones above 500 feet. They also cannot be...

There are several services that Bakersfield Bail Bond Store Services offer to our very important clients on a daily basis. Here are a few:120+ licensed, friendly, and approachable agents and representatives who are available as a support team, with one dedicated agent assigned to your...

Living as an immigrant (especially an undocumented one) is pretty terrifying, we bet. Every day. But, immigrants do have special rights that protect them, to some degree. And we can’t stress enough how imperative it is to know these rights.You have the right to remain...

As lax as the police and the people might seem about marijuana in California, the drug is still technically not legalized in the state of California. That means you can be arrested and charged for growing, owning, distributing/ selling, and smoking marijuana unless you have...