Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

No human is perfect and some are more imperfect than others. It is up to us to help each other get through these messes, because in this manner, the outcome is more successful. Even strangers are more than capable of being those helping hands.Our team...

If the police, while investigating a criminal matter, need to look through your property and belongings, they will often need a search warrant, unless you freely grant them permission to search. To get a search warrant, they will approach a judge and explain why a...

Cyberbullying (intentionally posting personal information of and/ or harassing another person by electronic communication like texts, emails, and social media with the intent of causing fear) seems like a rather harmless crime, but in California, it’s taken very seriously. Cyberbullying has led victims to harm...

Grab your sunblock and your bathing suits because it’s time to travel! It’s the perfect weather to hit the beach or the lake; or maybe even some pool party. Our yearning for sunshine fun began with Spring Break and it won’t stop until autumn. We...

Available 24/7: The police don’t wait 8 hours overnight before making an arrest. Hospitals don’t close emergency rooms until the next work day. So, why should Bradbury Bail Bond Store make you wait until the next business day before getting you a bail bond? We’re not...