January 2017

You know all those times growing up you wished your parents would stop being so “parent-y” and just let you go out and do your own thing? You know they are like that for a reason. They are your parents. It is their instinct to...

In the broadest answer as to whether the police need a warrant to search your cell phone in California, the answer is yes, they need a warrant unless you give your consent. Technically, the police cannot even look at the screen without a warrant, even...

When looking into getting a bail bond, you might come across the term collateral, and wonder what it means. Companies use collateral like insurance. If the defendant is compliant with all the terms of the bail bond, then the collateral is returned back to the...

While bail bonds offer more flexibility and are more affordable than cash bail, there are a few extra contingencies attached to bail bonds than cash bail.With cash bail, the defendant has to stay out of trouble, show up for court, and if applicable, obey curfew,...