November 2016

Overanalyzing and stressing about a situation is so easy. We psyche ourselves out when one thing goes wrong and we automatically begin to think the worst. This whole negative thought process is even faster and frightening when the thing that goes wrong is you getting...

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful. You have a ton of friends and family members surrounding you during this holiday season. You have a nice home. You have a steady job and your children are in good schools. Be thankful for all of that....

So much good has come from the dominance of social media in our lives: we remain connected with friends and family, we have more ways to access news, and we get involved with important matters. At the same time, quite a bit of bad can...

As you are already planning travel arrangements for the upcoming holidays, keep in mind the scheduling of that one family member who faces some much despised, but very important, court appointments. They recently bailed out of jail and are adjusting their life around court appointments...

Believe it or not, the defendant in jail is not the only person who benefits from posting bail with a bail bond.Immediate family - They get to have their loved one back home. No more jail visits and empty seats at the dinner table.Employers...

Would you be surprised if we told you that California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the United States? Gun control is always a hot subject, and it is one that will never please 100% of the people. The best you can...